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Why Your Home Has Uneven Cooling Between Rooms

It’s hard to get a good night’s sleep when your room is the hottest in the house. During July and August, the daily average temperatures in San Antonio are above 90 degrees most of the time, making consistent cooling throughout your home crucial.

Older homes often suffer from uncomfortable inconsistencies in temperature. The experts at Damiani’s Comfort Design can help San Antonio households fight uneven cooling during summers and cold spots during the winter.

6 Possible Contributors to Uneven Cooling in Your Home

It isn’t always easy to identify why one room in your home is warmer than the others. Explore the common contributors below to get a better sense of what’s compromising your home’s cooling.

Clogged Air Filters

Mature man taking out a dirty air filter from a home ceiling air return vent. Male removing a dirty air filter with both hands in a house from a HVAC ceiling air vent.

In the rush of your regular daily schedule, it can be easy to keep putting off changing your home’s air filter each month. Unfortunately, in addition to circulating dirty, dusty air, a filter overdue for a change will eventually become clogged and impede the airflow of your cooling system. Checking the filter in your warmest room will give you an idea of whether this contributes to your home’s uneven heating.

Damaged Insulation or Weatherstripping

A great cooling system can only do so much if your home’s insulation isn’t strong enough to maintain each room’s temperature. If cold air is escaping, it may explain why your room is so warm. Whether your insulation has been damaged by time, water exposure, or pests, an energy audit can give you insight into how much poor insulation may cost you in terms of money and comfort. One solution in older San Antonio homes can be retrofitting your wall, attic, or ceiling insulation.

Old & Inefficient Windows

Your windows may be keeping cool air from staying reliably in your room. Older homes often have inadequate sealing, making it too easy for cool air to slip out and summer heat to infiltrate your room. Re-caulking your windows can combat this air loss, as can replacing your older windows with ones that better manage your home’s temperature. Low-E windows are a great, energy-efficient option that reduces the heat gain in your room by blocking more ultraviolet and infrared light.

Damaged or Blocked Ductwork

Ductwork that is blocked or damaged might be holding cool air back in its transit to your room, and torn or leaking ducts may be releasing too much air before it ever gets there. Whether your ducts need thorough cleaning, careful repair, or complete replacement, addressing duct problems is important for ensuring complete and consistent home cooling.

Low Air Intake From Closed or Blocked Air Vents

ductwork in attic needing repair

Take a few minutes to check each room in your home and ensure that all of your air vents are open and that there isn’t furniture or décor blocking them. Look inside each one, ensuring that a buildup of pet hair or other obstructions isn’t impeding your airflow. Check each air filter while you’re at it. If it looks like a filter is getting sucked into the air vent, then there is likely a blockage in your ducts.

Improperly Sized AC

An AC system that’s too small may be ill-equipped to fully handle the cooling needs of your entire home, leaving rooms further from your AC unit unable to get the cool air they need. In addition to uneven cooling, this can cause humidity buildup in your home. If you suspect this is the case, have a licensed contractor evaluate your air conditioner to determine if it’s right for your home.

Consider Ductless Mini-Splits for Your Home

If the troublesome room is a new addition without ductwork or a renovated attic or basement, this may also explain your difficulty keeping it cool. One great solution is a ductless mini-split system that efficiently cools individual rooms separately from a centralized AC system. Ductless mini-splits are affordable and have a quick, easy installation. Damiani’s Comfort Design offers complete ductless mini-split services, including thorough repair and replacement.

Take control of your cooling. Contact us today to schedule service.

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